German foods

Fried Potatoes (from Antonia)

Kuvahaun tulos haulle fried potatoes and eggs
Ingredients for 2 persons:

  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 4 eggs
  • Cream
  • Pepper and salt

First you wash the potatoes. Put them in a pot and fill water into the pot, so that the potatoes are covered with water. Heat the water until it’s boiling. Cook the potatoes for about 10 minutes. Then take them out of the water and let them cool down. Peel and slice the potatoes. Heat oil in a pan and put the sliced potatoes in the pan. In the meantime turn the potatoes around till they are golden brown.
Crack 4 eggs into a bowl. Whisk them and give a bit cream, pepper and salt on it. Give the eggs to the potatoes in the pan for about 2 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Main dish: Potatoe soup

Kuvahaun tulos haulle peruna sosekeitto
2 onions
700g potatoes
100 g celeriac
200g carrots
100g parsley
400g leeks
1EL oil
100g bacon
750ml clear soup
500ml milk
1 egg
150g sour cream
1 bunch of parsley


First you have to peel onions, potatoes, celaric, and carrots and cut them to little cubes. Cut the leeks to strings. Warm the oil in a saucepan and roast the onions in it. Add the other vegetables and braise it lightly. Add the cleaned soup and cook it 10 minutes. Then you have to add milk. After that you have to mash it. Add salt and pepper. Then mix the egg and the sour cream and add it too. Now you have to add the bacon. Then put some parsley at it.

Meat loaf with cream downpour and mashed potatoes

Kuvahaun tulos haulle Meat loaf with cream downpour and mashed potatoes

Ingredients for 4 servings:

For the meat loaf:
1 tablespoon of dry stone mushrooms
1 bread roll of the day before
1 big onion
3 tablespoons of butter
500 g of mixed mince
1 egg
Fresh grated nutmeg
250 ml cattle broth
125 ml cream
For the mashed potatoes :
1 kg of potatoes
200 ml Milk
50 g butter
Grated nutmeg
The stone mushrooms in 125 ml hot water pour over and leave pour out. From the bread roll rub off the crust, then soak the bread roll in cold water. The onion peel and very well hack.In a pot heat up 1 EL butter and brown the onion in it. Afterwards take the pot of the cooker.The oven on 220 degrees preheat.The bread roll express ( soaking water lift ) and well hack.The cooled onion cubes with butter with the stone mushrooms and the egg to the mince give , knead hard and with the spices taste . If the meat dough is too soft , which mix rubbed off bread roll crust . The meat dough then to a long loaf form. A roasting pan with butter strike out and put the meat loaf in it. The remaining butter heat up,and hotly about the meat dough pour. The meat loaf approx 45 minutes on middle rail bake, until he becomes brown. Besides every now and then with cattle broth water. Approx 10 minutes before end of the done time pour the crem about the roast . In the interim the potatoes wash,peel,halve and in salted water even cook (according to size 15-25 minutes) .Then pour away and with milk and butter to a purée stamp. With salt and nutmeg taste. The roast take out, the Bratfound in the roasting pan with the soaking wate of the stone mushrooms under touching loose cooking,pepper and by a sieve pour. The roast in discs cut and with the sauce and the mashed potatoes serve.
Recipe from Jonas Otten

Pumpkin Soup (Paul)

Kuvahaun tulos haulle Pumpkin Soup

  • 2 kg pumpkin
  • 500 g carrots
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 l vegetable broth
  • ½ cup milk
  • Salt and pepper
  • Perhaps pebbles/ pumpkin seeds


Cut the pumpkin into slits, peal and core them. Dice in small pumpkin pieces. Peel carrots, onion and potatoes, wash and cut into small pieces. Peel the onions and dice them. Grease the fat and steam the onion cubes. Add the stocks and bring to a boil. Now add the pumpkin, the carrots and the potatoes and cook in it. Season with salt and pepper. Approx cook for 45 min, then heat down to a small flame. Mix the soup with a puree and taste. Serve hot. If you like, you can still sprinkle pumpkin seeds over it.

Tip: If you take instead of milk cream, the soup becomes even creamier.



swede purée with gammon steak

Kuvahaun tulos haulle swede purée with gammon steak

You need: 1 swede

~500g potatoes

~500g carrots

~500g gammon steak


You cut all vegetables into small pieces and put them with the gammon steak into a big pot. Then you add water until it´s above the vegetables and the meat. Now it has to cook about 30 minutes. Afterwards you take out the gammon steak and mash the vegetables (if you want).

You can eat a sausage with cabbage with it.

Vegetable soup

2 small leeks
4 carrots
2 l vegetable stock makes clear
3 fine unblanched sausages
4 potatoes
1/2 celery root
1 parsley root
fresh parsley
When the first clean the vegetables and peel the potatoes and the carrots and throw dice. Then prepare the broth and cook. The potatoes add. The sausages to small dumplings form. After 5 minutes the carrots, the dumplings, the parsley root and the celery root add. Then after 10 minutes allow to add the leek and cook 5 minutes. With parsley decorate and serve.
Recipe from Jonas Otten

Vegetable soup (by Patricia)

-1,2 Kg potatos
-2 carrots
-a half leek
-a half celeriac
-brown bread
-a bit parsley
-a bit salt, pepper and nutmeg
-vegetable consommé
-2l water

First you to peal and wash the potatos, carrots, leek and the celeriac. Then cut the potatos, the carrots and the celeriac into cubes and the leek in stripes. Then sauté the celeriac, the carrots and the leek with butter in a pot.... Add the potatos and a bit majoram. Then add the vegetable consommé and 2 liter water. Let it boil for 15 minutes.. Then you have to purée it with a hand blender. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. After that you can add some cream. Let it boil.. Than cut brown bread into cubes and roast it with butter in a pan. Than you can put the soup in a plate. Add the brown bread and a bit parsley.

Pears, beans & bacon

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Ingredients for 2 persons:

-500g potatoes
-500g green beans
-4 stripes bacon(ca. 250 g) (minimum size: 4x15 cm.)
-4 cooking pears or 2-3 normal pears (if you like pears, take more!)
-salt,butter (water,two pots,one pan)


First you have to prepare the green beans.Wash it and cut the ends.
Then cook the potatoes and cook the beans .(ca. 25 minutes.)
For the last 15 minutes put the pears into the beans-pot. (For normal pears are 7 min. Ok)
After that pan-fry the bacon stripes. If there is not enough fat in the pan ,add some butter.
Put the saltet potatoes and the beans on the plates and give the fat and the bacon over it.
Now lay the pears next to it.

It's ready to eat, so
good appetite!

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