Hey Everybody!

I'm sorry for my break from writing ;/ I had a problem with my WiFi connection, so I will tell you about last three days in this post.


This day was great. We had short lessons, becouse a lot of out teachers are absent now. Talking about my challenge - I feel great with my sugar-free diet. I feel a lot better that when I actually eat them! ;D


This day was also cool, becouse - again - we had easy lessons. By easy I mean no Mathematic, Physic or Geography lessons ;). I still feel great with my challenge and I also don't feel like eating any sweets.


And finally our current day. So today we had only 4 lessons which seemed to last very short. After getting home I did my extra intensive training which was even harder than in any other days, becouse (as I said in my first post) I do my training everyday ;) I do this for myself, becouse I really enjoy sport and I like going out to take some fresh air.

Today we started our week break from school. We have our national event so we have some free days. Adults have to go to work after four-days break, but our proncipal gave us whole free week! I' m so happy, couse I finally have some time to rest and spend this days with days with my friends. I don't have so many time during the school week, so I spend every school break as good as I can and the best way to spend them is to hang out with friends. I've already planned some meetings and I'm looking forward to them ;)

Next thing I want to tell you about is that after my week break from school I have my exchange project! I'm flying to Lubeck with my friends from school. German students have already been in or country about month ago. I'm really looking forward to meet Lisann again! (Lisann is a girl who lived in my house during our exchange ;D).

Nataliaaaaa ;)))))))))