
So yesterday was my first day on exchange project. I think that Lübeck is really bautiful. It has a lot of short streets with so many pretty, old house which make this town look so wonderful.

On our first day, teachers planned a city game where we had to visit all city. They gave us a map and a card with pictures with many popular buildings.On the map they drew a way which one w had to follow. Half an hour later we lost our map, but luckily girls from Lübeck knew where to go. On the map they drew a way which one w had to follow.

Whole game was so exhausting and I think it lasted a bit too long. But I think it was a great idea to get to know this city. Unfortunetaly weather this day was so bad. It was cold and it was raining. Everybody was freeying.

In the evening me and my friends went shopping. I only bought a new nail polish. At 7 p.m. we had to be back home, becouse my friend's mum made a dinner.

Today we woke up at half past six. It was so early but I am still full of energy. The plan for today was to go to the Bürggen factory. We were going to see how people make cereals, museli and museli bars. I really enjoyed this trip, becouse it's so cool to see how people make things which we have in our supermarkets. It was so interesting and everybody became so hungry after this. At the end they gave everyone of us a bag with two cereal boxes, one package of oats and eight museli bags. We were so happy after that. Then we had a free hour so everybody went to the city center for little shopping. I bought myself a necklace which I think is very pretty. Next we get back to school and ate luch. Now teachers gave us some time, so we can finally write our blogs.

Natalia ;) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä