Tutkimusjulkaisut ja pamfletit
Björn Wallén: Syväsivistys. Vapaa Sivistystyö ry (2021)
Tutkimusjulkaisut ja pamfletit
Vapaa sivistystyö eilen, tänään ja huomenna
toim. Jenni Pätäri, Sini Teräsahde, Aaro harju, Jyri Manninen ja Anja Heikkinen
Vapaa sivistystyö eilen, tänään ja huomenna (pdf)
Tampereen koulukunnan synty ja hajoaminen -
Aikuiskasvatuksen tiedeorientaatioita 1930-luvulta 2010-luvulle
Jyrki Jokinen. 2018.
Tampereen koulukunta.pdf
Vapaa, vallaton ja vangittu sivistystyö
Vapaa, vallaton ja vangittu sivistystyö. Sivistystyön Vapaus ja Vastuu- pamfletti 2015.
Adult Education and the Planetary Condition
Peer-reviewed, open access-book, published in 2016 by Finnish Adult Education Association and Freedom and Responsibility of Popular Adult Education programme (www.vapausjavastuu.fi)
Edited by Aaro Harju and Anja Heikkinen
The traditional nation-state context of adult education research and practice is challenged by the consequences of globalization. Beside increased mobility and interaction across different borders, they include financial and economic, social and environmental crises at a global scale. The authors in this book discuss the transforming planetary condition of adult education from different perspectives: education policy, work life, learners and mobilization for sustainability. Although the contributions were initiated in the Nordic conference for adult education and learning in 2015, the contexts of discussion range from Europe to Asia, Latin-America and Africa.
ISBN: 978-952-5349-27-6 (pdf)
ISBN: 978-952-5349-28-3 (printed)
The book is available at following link
http://issuu. com/svv- ohjelma/docs/adult_educ_planetary_cond_2016?e =15627691/36835887
Or download a printable PDF full version here or a PDF version without pictures here.
You can also visit the website of the Freedom and Responsibility of Popular Adult Education programme and download the book there: http://www. vapausjavastuu. fi/yhteistoiminta/julkaisut/adult- education- and- planetary- condition/