Taika design and art school

Taika Design and Art School is a school of visual arts for children and young people, started out in 1982 as the Lahti Art School for Children and YoungPeople. Nowadays Taika is a part of the Wellamo Community College and the Department of Education and Culture in the City of Lahti. Teaching is organized in such a way that it complies with the Act on Basic Education in the Arts and with the
basics of the Broad Curriculum prepared by the Finnish National Board of Education. About 290 students living in the Päijät-Häme region are studying at Taika – children and young people aged 5–20 years interested in visual expression and design.

The studies required for the broad curriculum are 1300h (basic studies 800h and advanced workshop studies), and they start from basic studies, that is from the phase when the student moves from group 0 to group 1. Early childhood education serves as an orientation to basic studies.

The goal of the teaching is to familiarize the students with the concepts, techniques and materials in the field of visual arts and design, and to give them the chance to improve their knowledge and skills. The student's own experientiality and form of expression serve as a starting point, supported by the contents and goals of the teaching. The language of instruction at Taika is Finnish.

Taika functions on the principle of chargeable services. The tuition fee is 200 € for students living in Lahti, and 250 € for people outside Lahti.

Cancellation on of studying

The placement for the academic year of 2020-2021 can be cancelled 8 days before the first school day. After that, before second school day the fee of 10€ will be charged. If you cancelled after the second school day the fee has to be payed in full.

If a student doesn't continue studying in the spring 2021, please remember to inform the Wellamo-office before the deadline of 15th of December. Cancellation on of studying cannot be made to the teacher.

If a student doesn't continue studying the next academic year of 2021-2022, Wellamo- office has to be informed by at the latest of April of 2021. Cancellation cannot be made to the teacher.


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