Dublin 30.4 -7.5.2017

Siilinjärven lukiolaisten kielikurssimatka Irlantiin

Siilinjärven lukio järjesti toukokuun ensimmäisellä viikolla kielikurssimatkan Irlantiin. Mukana matkalla oli 40 opiskelijaa ja kolme opettajaa. Koulumme sijaitsi Dublinissa, mutta majoituimme paikallisiin perheisiin Malahiden kylässä, joka sijaitsi noin kahdenkymmenen kilometrin päässä pääkaupunki Dublinista.

Kävimme koulussa neljänä päivänä, joiden aikana toteutimme pienissä ryhmissä videot valitsemastamme Irlantiin tai Dubliniin liittyvästä aiheesta. Valmiiseen ohjelmaan kuului lisäksi puolipäiväretki Howthin kalastajakylään sekä kokopäiväretki Glendaloughiin ja Irlannin suurimpaan ostoskeskukseen, Dundrum Town Centreen. Ilta-aktiviteettinä pelasimme hurlingia ja gaelilaista jalkapalloa, jotka ovat hyvin suosittuja urheilulajeja Irlannissa. Vierailimme myös Malahiden linnassa, jonka yhteydessä sijaitsee upea puutarha.

Vapaa-aikaakin jäi, jolloin saimme kierrellä Dublinissa ostoksilla, katselemassa nähtävyyksiä tai ihan vain nauttien kaupungin ilmapiiristä. Dublinin ja Malahiden väliä kuljimme sujuvasti junalla, koska saimme kielikoulusta matkakortit, joilla pääsi vapaasti kulkemaan julkisilla liikennevälineillä. Sää suosi reissuamme, sillä koko matkan aikana ei satanut juuri ollenkaan. Viikon sateeton jakso ei ole meren lähellä sijaitsevassa kaupungissa kovinkaan yleistä.

Vaikka Dublin sijaitsee Euroopassa, oli matkan aikana havaittavissa muutamia kulttuurieroja Suomeen verrattuna. Lounaaksi saimme perheeltä eväsleivän, sipsipussin ja muffinin, hyvässä tapauksessa omenan. Suomalaiseen kouluruokaan tottuneille se tuntui melko pieneltä aterialta. Irlantilaiset pitivät kenkiä jalassa myös sisällä, mihin oli alussa totuttelemista.

Kaiken kaikkiaan matka oli avartava ja ikimuistoinen. Ehkä pääsemme Irlantiin vielä uudestaan jonain päivänä. Paljon jäi vielä kokematta ja näkemättä, sillä viikon matka oli sen verran lyhyt.

Irlantia ei suotta kutsuta vihreäksi maaksi.

Asemien nimet olivat myös iirin kielellä, koska se on Irlannin toinen virallinen kieli.

Liffey-joki jakaa Dublinin kahteen osaan.

(Katja Happonen 16A)


Malahide Beach

Malahide beach was one of my favourite places in Ireland. The beach is 2 kilometres long and it's a very beautiful place. We went there in the evenings and there were beautiful sunsets. There were so many seashells which I collected. We also met people from Netherlands there and we are still keeping in touch with them.

Malahide Castle (& Gardens)

Malahide Castle was built in the 12th century. The castle is surrounded by a garden. We had a guided tour there on Thursday. It was very impressive place!

Our hostfamily lived in Seabury. We often spent time in the area in the evenings. I loved the Irish houses there and the whole area was so nice and beautiful.

(Elisa Huttunen 16A)

My day at Trinity College

Hello guys!
I’m so excited to tell you about my trip to Dublin. I was there on a language course with about 40 other students from my school. The weather was so great that I can’t even believe we were so lucky, because usually it rains in Ireland and it is cold. Well anyway, I went to Trinity College with my friends on Thursday. We bought tickets to see the exhibition about Book of Kells and it was very amazing to see it. After that we went to see the library and it was very beautiful. It smelled like old books and dust. The ceiling was very high and the darkness was like created to that space.

There was the Brian Boru Harp, a traditional Irish instrument. It is the oldest harp in Ireland and the insignia of Ireland. It looked like a very aesthetic instrument but it was really big. I can imagine how hard it would be to play it.

I chose it because I think it’s a very big part of Ireland and it’s one of the exciting things among instruments. The harp is made of willow and oak, and it has 29 bass strings. It is restored and re-strung in 1961.

I would recommend the visit to the Trinity College’s library to everybody because even I, who don’t like to read, liked it. It was a very aesthetic place and there were interesting things in the hallway. Yes, you definitely should go there!

(Riina Ruutala 16D)

National Museum of Ireland

The National Museum of Ireland – Archaelogy is an archaeological museum which was opened in 1980. The museum has over 2 million items found in Ireland but only a small part of them is on display. The museum has free admission.

My favourite thing in the museum was Margaret Butler's, Countess of Ormond, reconstructed dress. Margaret Butler was born in 1480 and died in 1542. She was one of the most remarkable women of her age.

I liked the dress because it was different compared to other objects in the museum. The colour of the dress is very beautiful. Margaret Butler's headdress looks very interesting and funny. I think it's always nice to look at old time clothes.

I can recommend the museum for everyone. The museum isn't very big so you can do much more during the day. You will find Margaret Butler's dress easily in the museum. I recommend the dress especially for women. There is a small sign next to the dress with more information about Margaret Butler. I think that information can be interesting to women.

(Tessa Antikainen 16A)

Trinity college library and museum

I decided to revisit one of my favorite places I’ve ever been to. Trinity college is located in the heart of Dublin and it is one of the most well-known sights that there is. Trinity college still works as a college, but it also offers cultural opportunities for tourists.

In one of the buildings on the college area is the college museum and library. The collection includes a lot of religious and historical pieces, but the most important piece is the book of Kells, which is a 9th-century gospel manuscript famous throughout the world. The library, or the long room, was constructed on the 18th century. As you step into the long room you can sense the Harry Potter vibe that it has. The author J.K Rowling has said that the college library has inspired her whilst writing about the school library in Hogwarts.

Trinity college library and museum are definitely worth visiting. The fee to get in is around 10€, which isn’t a lot though considering how much you can see and experience. Especially the library is very stunning and also unique.

(Siiri Väänänen 16D)