Vaihto-opiskelijat / Our exchange students

Monserrat Yon-Garate from Chile 2015-2016

Kansainvälisyyskurssin opiskelijat haastattelivat chileläistä Monsea:

1) What's the strangest experience here in Finland?
I think it's ice swimming. I felt stupid doing it because it's so crazy. I was also thinking what's the point of it. But I have to admit it feels good afterwards!

2) What's your favorite subject in Finnish school?
It's sport ( physical education) because we try all kind of activities here. I especially enjoyed yoga so far. In Chile we do the same thing for weeks and months in P.E. lessons.

3) What's your favorite food in Finland?
Definitely pulla in all kind of forms, also Finnish chocolate and makaronilaatikko.

4) What do you miss the most in Chile?
This might sound a bit rude but I miss a kind of friendliness, warm relations and greetings. Another thing is not a good thing to miss but somehow I also miss being late. In Chile everybody is late all the time but now I'm used to the Finnish style. I'm not so much late any more 😀 !

5) What would you like to ask us (Finns)?
How is it possible to like salmiakki? Everybody seems to like it in Finlan käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä