Tom - Optional English (9a/b)



Wednesday 25th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did various activites:
Writing about the future? Story set in the future (maybe 2080) (any story works)
Group Work
“Seinätyö” about someone famous / company
Design a board / card game
Design your own restaurant - do an advert

Wednesday 18th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did the AB exercise on the passive (imperfekti).
CLASSWORK 2: We watched more of the film.

Wednesday 11th September
CLASSWORK 1: We played the jigsaw game (regular verbs, 1-38)
CLASSWORK 2: We played Bamboozle (countries).
CLASSWORK 3: We played the memory game - countries.
CLASSWORK 4: We watched another 40 or so of the MI:4 film.

Wednesday 4th September
CLASSWORK 1: We thought about present passive for 15 minutes.
CLASSWORK 2: We then watched WILTY.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the drawing activity again.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we watched a film.

Wednesday 28th August

CLASSWORK 1: We did the Kahoot activites.
CLASSWORK 2: We planned holidays for the teachers.
CLASSWORK 3: We then watched WILTY (Who am I?)
CLASSWORK 3: We then did the drawing activity once only.
LN explained to RS.
NT explained to NJ.
LK explained to JK and EP.

Wednesday 21st August
CLASSWORK 1: We played Alias and Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
CLASSWORK 2: We did AB 142 quickly.
CLASSWORK 3: We did a Kahoot on Australia.
CLASSWORK 4: We started to write our own Kahoots on Drive. Students didn't share these with the "eksynyt britti". These were the students and topics:
NJ - Jamaica
JK - South Africa
EP - New Zealand
RS - Wales
NT - Scotland
LN - Ireland.
HL - was away.
HERE is the Kahoot template.

Wednesday 14th August
We watched various videos that talked about travelling.
We also played the "think-of-a" game. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä