Tom - 9a (2021-2022)


I owe JH an Omar.

Wednesdasy 4th May
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about stress.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the writing task.

Wednesday 27th April
CLASSWORK 1: Please finish the translation of unit 9 - p161-163.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did ExA and B on TEXTBOOK p163.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did WORKBOOK p245 Ex903 and 904+.
CLASSWORK 4: Then it was WORKBOOK p246 Ex905, 906.
CLASSWORK 5: WORKBOOK p247 Ex908, 909 and 910+.
CLASSWORK 6: Please do WORKBOOK p248 Ex911 and 912+ next.
CLASSWORK 7: Then we played (Gimkit) and did the test on p243.

Tuesday 26th April
CLASSWORK 1: We did the AB exercise on WORKBOOK p220 (only once, just in English).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the listening on p221 Ex815.
CLASSWORK 3: Next was unit 9 - we listened to p161-163 and translated it into Finnish.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did ExA and B on TEXTBOOK p163.
HOMEWORK: Please learn the words on p243 (QUIZLET). (Gimkit).

Wednesday 20th April
We did the test.

Tuesday 19th April
CLASSWORK 1: We revised for the unit 7 test a little.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the unit 7 test:)
HOMEWORK: Go to bed by 11pm tonight at the very latest.

Wednesday 30th March
CLASSWORK 1: We started by checking the homework / the sheet from yesterday (ANSWERS).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started the cartoon and main text from TEXTBOOK p146-148.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the questions on TEXTBOOK P149 with our partner.
CLASSWORK 4: Any students that finished started the WORKBOOK exercises on p215 onwards.
HOMEWORK 1: Revise for a test on p242 words on 13.4.22 (QUIZLET).
HOMEWORK 2: Revise for a "Big test" on Unit 7 on Tuesday 19th April. Look at WORKBOOK p184, 185, 196-199

Tuesday 29th March
CLASSWORK 1: Gimkit + test
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did p192 Ex717 again.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started handout 1a.
HOMEWORK: Please finish the handout for homework

Wednesday 23rd March
CLASSWORK 1: We checked WORKBOOK p199 Ex734.
CLASSWORK 2: We played Gimkit and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: We did the first boxed exercise on "epäsuora kysymys".
HOMEWORK - Test next Tuesday on p212 (vasen) - QUIZLET. GIMKIT.
Big test on Unit 7 on Wednesday 13th April.

Tuesday 22nd March
CLASSWORK 1: We opened our TEXTBOOK to p115-117 (Ireland)....
CLASSWORK 2: ...and then we kept doing the exercises in the WORKBOOK on page 177, 178 and 179 (Ex642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did a GIMKIT on p185 (oikea).
CLASSWORK 4: Then went back to look at the Grammar.
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish p199 Ex734.

HOMEWORK 2: Test tomorrow/Wednesday on p185 (oikea). Quizlet.

Wednesday 16th March
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we listened to TEXTBOOK p115-117 (Ireland) and translated it into Finnish with our partner.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the exercises in the WORKBOOK on page 177, 178 and 179 (Ex642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647).
HOMEWORK: Test next Wednesday on p185 (oikea). Quizlet.

Tuesday 15th March
CLASSWORK 1: We read pages 196 and 197 in the WORKBOOK again.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we finished watching the episode of the Office.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we played GIMKIT on the words on p185 (vasen) - GIMKIT.
HOMEWORK: Test on p185 (vasen) - QUIZLET.

Wednesday 2nd March
CLASSWORK 1: We played Quizlet Live and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did Ex717 again. First we read it through in English and then we translated it from Finnish to English).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did p196 and 197 and we checked these (Ex729 and 730).
HOMEWORK: Sleep more than enough during the holiday!

Tuesday March 1st
CLASSWORK 1: We checked all the exercises from last Tuesday.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we listened to p192 Ex717 and read it though in English.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we played a memory game.
HOMEWORK: Vocab test tomorrow/Wednesday on p185 - vasen (LINK).

Wednesday 23rd February
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did THIS listening exercise.
HOMEWORK: Vocab test next Wednesday on p185 - vasen (LINK).

Tuesday 22nd February
CLASSWORK 1: We translated TEXT 7 into Finnish (TEXTBOOK p125-128)
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did TEXTBOOK p129 with our partner, speaking only English.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did WORKBOOK p188-189 Ex706, 707, 709 and 710.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did WORKBOOK p190 Ex712 and 713.
CLASSWORK 5: Then WORKBOOK p186, Ex703.
HOMEWORK: Test tomorrow on p184 (oikea) - QUIZLET.

Wednesday 16th
CLASSWORK: We did the test and finished the film.
HOMEWORK: Test next Wednesday on p184 (oikea) - QUIZLET.

Tuesday 15th February
CLASSWORK 1: We did TEXTBOOK p123, 124 and 125.
HOMEWORK: Test tomorrow/Wednesday on p184 (vasen) - QUIZLET.

Wednesday 9th February
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we watched more of the film.
HOMEWORK: Test next Wednesday on p184 (vasen) -

Tuesday 8th February
CLASSWORK 1: Some students did a test. Others started watching a film.
HOMEWORK: Test coming tomorrow/Wednesday on p152 (vasen). QUIZLET.

Wednesday 2nd February
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB on the passive (perfekti) and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we read p113 in the TEXTBOOK.
HOMEWORK: Test coming up next Wednesday on p152 (vasen). QUIZLET.

Tuesday 1st February
CLASSWORK 1: We had a revision lesson on unit 5.
HOMEWORK: Look at unit 5. (WORKBOOK P133-136, 122-123) - QUIZLET. We have a test on this tomorrow.

Wednesday 26th January
CLASSWORK 1: We started with Gimkit and then the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then any students that hadn't done WORKBOOK p135 and p136 started that.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the passive sheet.
CLASSWORK 4: Any students that finished that then started WORKBOOK p139 (not easy!)
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish the passive sheet from the lesson.
HOMEWORK 2: Look at unit 5. We have a test on it next Wednesday. (WORKBOOK P133-136, 122-123) - QUIZLET.

Tuesday 25th January
CLASSWORK 1: We did WORKBOOK p159 again. This time we translated from Finnish to English.
CLASSWORK 2: We did and checked WORKBOOK p162 Ex619 and 620.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did a Gimkit on tomorrow's words.
CLASSWORK 4: Finally we played Alias wih the Pictionary cards.
HOMEWORK: We have a test on Wednesday on ALL the words on p153 (QUIZLET). 

Wednesday 19th January
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and got ready for the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we listened to WORKBOOK p159 together and then first read it through in English and then translated it from English into Finnish.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did WORKBOOK p161 Ex618.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did WORKBOOK p162 Ex619.
HOMEWORK: We will have a test next Wednesday on ALL the words on p153 (QUIZLET). Please look at these words for at least five minutes every day.

Tuesday 18th January
CLASSWORK 1: We did p133-134 in the WORKBOOK.
CLASSWORK 2: We did p135 to remember that work. We also did p161.
HOMEWORK: Revise for the test tomorrow / Wednesday on WORKBOOK p152 - oikea (QUIZLET).

Wednesday 12th January
CLASSWORK 1: Then we did WORKBOOK Ex609 - we checked this.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did p158, Ex611. We checked this too.
CLASSWORK 3: Then another difficult exercise: WORKBOOK p158 Ex612+. We didn't check this.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did TEXTBOOK p110-111.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we played GIMKIT on the words from WORKBOOK p152 (LHS).
HOMEWORK: Start to revise for the test next Wednesday on WORKBOOK p152 (QUIZLET).

Tuesday January 11th 
CLASSWORK 1: We listened to unit 6 and translated it.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the questions on TEXTBOOK p109 (Ex606, A and B).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did WORKBOOK p155 Ex604.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did WORKBOOK p156 Ex606 and 607+.
CLASSWORK 5: Please do WORKBOOK p157 Ex608 - we checked all of the above.
CLASSWORK 6: Then we did WORKBOOK Ex609 - we didn't check this.
CLASSWORK 6: Then we did p158, Ex611. It's not so easy(!).
HOMEWORK: Sleep for at least eight hours:)

Wednesday 1st December
CLASSWORK 1: We thought about the execises with modal + passive.
CLASSWORK 2: We then watced some modern family.
HOMEWORK: Chill. See you in the next lesson on Monday 13.12.21.

Monday 29th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did the AB exercise in the book.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we played Gimkit (classic) and did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the AB on modals in the passive.
HOMEWORK: (Some students have a test on Wednesday - LIST. Other students should sleep lots:)

Wednesday 24th November
CLASSWORK 1: Some students did the test (some away).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did an AB.
CLASSWORK 3: We then played the game on p103 (Ex430).
CLASSWORK 4: WORKBOOK p126 Ex507, 508 and 509.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did WORKBOOK p127 Ex510, 511, 512.
HOMEWORK: Test on Monday on p123 (all the words) - QUIZLET.

Monday 22nd November
CLASSWORK 1: We revised for the test and then did it.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we read the conversation on p130 twice.
CLASSWORK 3: Then please do WORKBOOK p124 Ex501, 502 and 503.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did WORKBOOK p125 Ex504, Ex505 and Ex506+.
CLASSWORK 5: WORKBOOK p126 Ex507, 508 and 509.
CLASSWORK 6: Then we did p127 Ex510, 511, 512.

Wednesday 19th November
HOMEWORK: Test on p122 RHS next time.

Monday 17th November
CLASSWORK 1: We started Ex513 on WORKBOOK p128.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did an AB exercise (2.2, 75-98 Yleisperfekti-).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we listened to unit 5 again and kept translating it.

Wednesday 3rd November
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then watched Modern Family.
HOMEWORK: Sleep more than you normally sleep.

Tuesday 2nd November
CLASSWORK 1: We started translating unit 5. We didn't finish it - we are about halfway through.
HOMEWORK: Test on WORKBOOK p122 (vasen) tomorrow (QUIZLET).

Tuesday 12th October
CLASSWORK 1: We started with an AB exercise on verbs 26-49.
CLASSWORK 2: We then looked at the book p104-106, Ex436, 437 and 438.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please revise for the test on verbs 26-49 (QUIZLET)
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish the passive sheet/moniste for homework.

Wednesday 6th October
CLASSWORK: In the lesson we looked at the words and then started looking at the book's exercises on the passive.
HOMEWORK: Please finish the passive sheet/moniste for homework.

Tuesday 5th October
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB exercise on the "perfekti+" of verbs 26-49.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did a sheet on the passive.
HOMEWORK: Please revise for a test on irregular verbs 1-25 (QUIZLET).

Wednesday 29th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did some vocabulary exercises.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: We then played Gimkit. 
HOMEWORK: Sleep lots!

Tuesday 28th September
CLASSWORK 1: We worked on the vocabulary and verbs.
CLASSWORK 2: We played Gimkit.
HOMEWORK: Text tomorrow on p91 - QUIZLET. Please revise for this now - we will possibly have a different homework next Tuesday.

Wednesday 22nd September
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test and played Gimkit too.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did an AB on regular verbs 51-75 (-).
CLASSWORK 3: We then played Alias.
HOMEWORK: Text next Wednesday on p91 - QUIZLET. Please revise for this now - we will possibly have a different homework next Tuesday.

Tuesday 21st September
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB exercise on irregular verbs 26-50 - yleispreesens (- and ?).
CLASSWORK 2: We then did p98.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did p102 Ex428 - we didn't check 5-10.
HOMEWORK: Test next Wednesday on WORKBOOK p90 oikea (QUIZLET).

Wednesday 15th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did WORKBOOK p100 Ex422 and 423.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the (unimportant) stuff on WORKBOOK p101.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the AB on irregular verbs 1-24 (yleispreesens+).
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did a Gimkit on p90 (oikea).
CLASSWORK 5: We also did p101 Ex425 and 426 and checked.
HOMEWORK: Test next week on WORKBOOK p90 oikea (QUIZLET).

Monday 13th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did Gimkit and an AB (yleispreesens+) on verbs 76-100.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did WORKBOOK p98 again (En>Fi).
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did WORKBOOK p96 Ex413+ and 414+.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did WORKBOOK p97 415, 416 and 417+.
CLASSWORK 6: Then it was WORKBOOK p100 Ex422 and 423.
HOMEWORK: Test next week on WORKBOOK p90 oikea (QUIZLET).

Wednesday 8th September
CLASSWORK 1: We started by looking at the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did WORKBOOK p98 with a partner.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we translated p98 from English into Finnish.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did AB exercise (yleispreesens+) on verbs 76-100.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did p98 again (translating from Finnish into English).
HOMEWORK: Revise for the test next Monday (verbs 76-100) - QUIZLET.

Monday 6th September
CLASSWORK 1: We started with the AB on 51-75 (negative sentences).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we played Quizlet on those words.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did the written exercise on 51-75 for a few minutes.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did the test.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we started sheet 75-100 for a few minutes.
HOMEWORK: At home please do numbers 119-133 from the new "moniste" (*Verbit 75-100*).

Wednesday 1st September
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: We did an AB on 51-75 (negative sentences)
CLASSWORK 3: We then checked 407, 408.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did and checked Ex 410.
CLASSWORK 4: We then started the written exercise. 
CLASSWORK 5: We also did another AB on 51-75.
HOMEWORK: Test on verbs 51-75 next time. QUIZLET.

Monday 30th August.
CLASSWORK 1: We did some Gimkit Classic on verbs 26-50.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did some AB on the same verbs.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the test on verbs 26-50.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we transated p69-71 in the same groups as last time.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we started WORKBOOK p94 Ex407 and 408.
CLASSWORK 6: We then did WORKBOOK p95 Ex409 and 410.

Wednesday 25th August
CLASSWORK 1: We did two ABs on verbs 26-50.
CLASSWORK 2: We then checked the homework.
CLASSWORK 3: We played Gimkit on verbs 26-50.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we listened to (and translated) p69-70 in the TEXTBOOK.
HOMEWORK: Test on Verbs 26-50 next time (QUIZLET).

Monday 23rd August
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test on verbs 1-25.
CLASSWORK 2: We finished the writing about our summer.
CLASSWORK 3: We did the AB on verbs 26-50.
CLASSWORK 4: We then started the written exercise.
HOMEWORK: Please translate sentences 134-149 on the moniste (puhun monisteesta missä numerot on mustalla taustalla)

Wednesday 18th August
CLASSWORK 1: We played Quizlet Live again with the difficult words.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: We then answered some questions about "My Summer".
CLASSWORK 4: We then looked at verbs 1-25 one more time.
CLASSWORK 5: Two students started WORKBOOK p80.
HOMEWORK: Test on Verbs 1-25 next Monday (LINK).

Monday August 16th
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about the weekend.
CLASSWORK 2: We played Quizlet Live.
CLASSWORK 3: We read the verbs 1-25.
CLASSWORK 4: We then did an AB exercise on verbs 1-25.
CLASSWORK 5: We then did a crossword - some students started the wordsearch.
CLASSWORK 6: Then we started a written exercise on verbs 1-25.
HOMEWORK: Please do WORKBOOK p93, Ex404.

Wednesday August 11th
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about our summer holidays.
CLASSWORK 2: We talked about Wilma marks.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did TEXTBOOK p65-67
HOMEWORK: Please revise for a test on p90 LHS (=vasen) on Monday.

Quizlet käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä