
Finlandsveckan var lyckad

Vår Erasmusvecka lider mot sitt slut och de sista gästerna har åkt hem. Veckans program har varit intensivt men givande!

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Vi uppmärksammades även i Yle: Annie Ivanova från Bulgarien: "Våra elever måste bli mera medvetna om klimatförändringen" - i Källhagens skola är hållbarhet ett ständigt tema

Källhagens skola deltog på torsdagen även i #Erasmusdays: #ERASMUSDAYS
Då åkte vi på en nollskräputfärd till Karnaistenkorpi. 

Sustainable Society, oktober 2019

Seminariet ordnas vecka 41. Inför seminariet arbetar alla deltagare med följande frågor:

Sustainable Society, Seminar in Finland

  1. What does the public recycle station in your city look like?
    What can households bring to the recycle station without extra cost?
    What do you do with the rest of your waste and do you have to pay for the recycling of it?

  2. How many percentage of the household waste is being recycled in your country?
    You can compare present day with 10-15 years ago. Does your country have a %-goal to boost your recycling?

  3. Is there a system for redemption (recycling) bottles, cans in your country?
    If not present a solution. Have there been any changes in the system for redemption bottles during the past few years? You can take pictures.
  1. Which are the biggest polluters in your area/country? Is there a program in your area/country for how to reduce the co2 emissions?
  1. Do you have an organised way to buy and sell locally produced products for households, like a food market? (Not a supermarket but a market place, directly from the producers, or a Reko-ring)

  2. Compare the prices for ecological/ ordinary food supplies and make calculations of the price difference between them in percentages:
    1kg bananas, 1l milk, 1kg cheese, 1kg chicken, 1kg potatoes, 1kg eggs
  3. What forms of public transportation do you have in your town/country? Are there statistics of the usage per person, per year available?
    Do you find it expensive to ride collectively? Do you encounter problems concerning parking, rush hours, traffic jams etc? Are there specific bike-lanes in your town/country?
  1. Are there existing eco-smart solutions for living and housing in your country or in your neighbourhood? How about plans for such solutions? Tell us about them.

    9. What channels and networks are there for the development of ecosmart innovations?