Källhagen in English
Källhagens skola in English
Källhagens skola is an upper secondary school with 260 pupils of the ages 12 to 16 years.
Geographically our school is situated in Virkby, Lojo/Lohja, about 70 kilometers North West from our capital Helsinki. The pupils in our school are mainly Swedish speaking or bilingual and come from an area around the town of Lojo/Lohja. The municipalities called Ingå/Inkoo, Sjundeå/Siuntio and Vichtis/Vihti in the neighborhood send many of their Swedish speaking and bilingual pupils to our school.
The limestone mine in the village of Virkby was for a long period the main employer of the Swedish speaking workforce. When Finland lost The Second World War against the USSR we were forced to give up the Porkkala-peninsula to the USSR. This area became a military base where the Soviet army had two airfields and over 300 bunkers. The original inhabitants of this area moved to the Finnish side of the new border. As a result of the new logistic and demographic situation in the communities around the Soviet military base it was found necessary to build a new school. The CEO and owner of the limestone mine, Petter Forsström, became an important patron for the new private school in Virkby for children from Swedish speaking and bilingual families. The land upon which the school was built was donated partly by Greta Dahlberg, the owner of a manor in Virkby. When the Porkkala-area finally was returned to Finland, the school in Virkby became a public school financed and owned by the town of Lojo.
Nowadays our facilities accommodate both Virkby gymnasium and the upper secondary school Källhagen, a club for spare time activities, youth facilities for youngsters in Virkby and a teaching room for making pottery. In our education we focus on environmental questions in all subjects. Our upper secondary school has an environmental team consisting of both a democratically affecting and actively planning main group of pupils and teachers, and a volunteering group which participates occasionally. These pupils and our teacher team co-operates with other Swedish speaking and bilingual schools in the community.
Our school received our Green flag/Eco-school status on a sustainable level 2013-2014. Special areas that our school has focused on this year are energy, water and ecological consuming. The co-operation with local companies and shopkeepers and their local association has resulted in an exhibition for cars with low polluting emissions. This exhibition takes place annually in August.