
Lyseon vaihtarit

Lukuvuonna -24-25 lyseolla aloitti elokuussa vaihtovuotensa meksikolainen Kylie ja jatkaa helmikuussa aloittanut australialainen Pin Yi. Lisäksi suomalaiseen lukiomaailmaan tutustuu syyskuussa kaksi viikkoa japanilainen Yume sekä loka-marraskuussa kolmen viikon ajan ranskalainen vaihtari. Pitkäaikaisten vaihtarien esittelyt alla:

Moi! Olen Kylie ja olen 18-vuotias meksikolainen vaihto-oppilas. It still feels crazy to be here in Finland! The first thing that blew my mind is how peaceful and quiet everything is compared to Mexico City, where I live. Also, the weather is so different—back home, it’s usually sunny and warm, so being here in the cool Finnish air, and even getting to see snow, is a huge change for me. 

Some quick facts about me:
- I love tennis and spending time in the gym.
- I’m a huge fan of coffee, and I love that here in Finland, people drink so much of it—it feels like home already!
- I’m really into music, especially rap and hip-hop, and I’d love to get some Finnish rap recommendations.
- I love traveling and getting to know other cultures.

I’ll be in Finland for a year and can’t wait to explore more. Feel free to chat with me or share some cool music tips!
Btw this is my dog in the photo, his name is Oreo. I already miss him so much. Also a picture of my family.

Moikka! I'm Pin Yi and I'm an exchange student from Australia. Australia is just about on the other side of the world and while we are still in the Finnish cold, down under it's around +35-40 degrees now! It has been amazing being in the Finnish winter and beautiful snow especially since snow can only be found on only a few mountain tops in Australia.
Some quick facts about me:
- I love to crochet and in Australia I would make toys, blankets and beanies for charity.
- I enjoy playing volleyball very much.
- I love a good chat so please don't be shy!
- I have a labrador named Bruno and he always makes me smile.
I will be in Finland for a year and am super excited for what's to come. Don't hesitate to say hi or start a conversation because I will be more than happy to chat! It would also be awesome if I could learn a new Finnish word or two from you :] käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä