Lecture 3 Assessing your own leader behaviour in management and leadership

Lecture 3 Assessing your own leader behaviour in management and leadership

In this lecture, we first discuss about the different roles of a manager. Then we follow the development of the use of management and leadership behaviour in different contexts and scope. At the end of the lecture you will have the possibility to assess your own leadership behaviour using the simple chart in the materials.

Before any lecture either print or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentation.

Assignment before the lecture: None.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS210_S5_L3.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture:

  1. After the lecture make your own assessment your own leadership behaviour using the chart in the materials.
  2. As the lecturer asks, analyze an organization you know, preferably your own organization, focusing on leadership and management behaviours. If you locate other core leadership behaviours (by Howell & Costley, as presented in lectures) please indicate them, too. Place your solution to the discussion area and comment the findings of others.

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