Lecture 4 Transformation, learning and community in organizations; Students' case presentations

Lecture 4 continues with the students' presentations. The first presentation focuses on the levels and orders of change. It is argued, that change happens at individual, organizational, and community levels. The research method applied in the study discussed, is case studies of 3 non-profit organizations. The second presentation is about transformational leadership and organizational learning in cross cultural analysis. As seen, authors compare the eastern and western organizations. They conclude that in eastern culture, orgnisational structure plays a dominant role. Leaders seldom empower the followers, while followers are reluctant to take up administrative roles. However, in western culture, leadership is the number one decisive factor. The third presentation concentrates on building good relation between community and school. Note also, how professor Alava comments on this case study that change does not happen on one summit, it is a long process. The last presentation is a case study of how collaborative leadership takes place in the school. The key is to find out what motivates teachers to participate professional development school plan and why they continue their involvement.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

No slides related to this lecture.

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: none

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