Session 5 Presentations on Professional Learning Community Articles

Session 5 Presentations on Professional Learning Community Articles

Session 5 consists of 4 lectures. In this session, you will listen to students' group presentations on some articles. Listen to their presentations and discussions as well as the applications in their own contexts. This session gives us a good global perspective of educational challenges and solutions.

The student presentations are based on the following articles. They are available only via university electronic libraries. If you have access to them, please retrieve them to your disposal. If you cannot get the articles, you can with no problem listen to the following four lectures. There students in the Master’s Degree Program make presentations based on the articles and also reflect the topics to their countries and their schools (for example China, Jamaica, Cameroon and Australia). Pay special attention to the international aspects heard in these lectures.

Bezzina. C (2006). "The Road Less Traveled": Professional Communities in Secondary Schools. Theory Into Practice, Vol. 45, No. 2. pp. 159-167.

Andrews, D. and Lewis, Marian (2002). The experiences of a professional community: teachers developing a new image of themselves and their workplace. Educational Research, 44 (3), 237-254. ISSN 0013-1881

Joyce, B.. (2004).Strategic Planning--How Are Professional Learning Communities Created? History Has a Few Messages. Phi Delta Kappan, v86 n1 p76.

Huffman and Jacobson. (2003).Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities. International Journal of Leadership in Education, v6n3. p239-50. Jul-Sep.

Please start the session by clicking lecture 1.