Sääksjärvi primary school

Sääksjärvi primary school

​Sääksjärvi school is an active primary school. It is situated in Sääksjärvi, which is a lovely little village in Mäntsälä, some 70 kilometres from Helsinki. We have forests and fields around us and Sääksjärvi lake is near-by. In our school yard we have three different buildings. The oldest is over one hundred years old. So, our school has been operating at the same place for a long time.

 During the school year we have many different events and happenings such as Christmas and spring festivals. There are also different sports events such as ice hockey, football, track and field tournaments.

The parental body organises fundraisers such as the autumn festival and the Christmas sing along. Our student body consists of pupil members and a teacher. It arranges events such as the colour week and the talent competition.

The address of the school is:

Sääksjärven koulu
Sääksjärventie 526
04630 Sääksjärvi

E-mail-addresses for teachers and the principal: