Session 2 Educational and Vocational Guidance in Finland

Session 2 Educational and Vocational Guidance in Finland

In session 1 we got to know a rather wide and global perspective to the policies and practices of guidance and counselling In session 2 our lecturer, Raimo Vuorinen, PhD, will present more practical applications and models used in Finland in this field. We begin with w getting familiar with the educations system and labour market in Finland. Then we learn about the educational and vocational guidance in Finland. We also have the possibility to learn about the guidance and councelling practises in the vocational field, in the universities, and in the employment offices. During lecture 5 and 6 you will learn more practical matters while listening to the discussion between the students and the lecturer.

Session 2 consists of six lectures and PowerPoint slides related to it. There will be no readings no assignments in this session, but keep in mind in this session, as well as in the sessions to come, the assignment for this course. It is therefore advised, that while listening the lectures, make your own notes about the educational solutions in Finland.

Please start the session by clicking lecture 1.