Student Welfare

About Student Welfare

The goal for our student welfare is that it is good to study and be in our school. This requires functioning co-operation with the guardian, student and the school personnel. Guardians, students, course teachers, homeroom teachers, student councellor, principal, course secretary, school nurse, curator, psychologist and school doctor participate in the student welfare.

A teachers' meeting is held after every period. Failed and unevaluated courses are discussed there. After the meeting student welfare group gathers and discusses the progress of studies and other similar topics in
homeroom groups.

School Personnel

The guardian: a valuable and important supporter of the student, takes part in the parents' meetings and other upper secondary events, follows the progress the students' studies and bravely contacts the school (via phone, e-mail or Wilma)

The student: Gets his/her voice heard (students council, tutors, Foorum, course feedback, school health inquiries, welfare inquiries, suggestion box) and participates actively in school's common development and activities.

The course teacher: an expert of his or her own subject, observes the progress of studies during classes, gives remedial instruction if needed, carries his or her concern about the student forward to the homeroom teacher and the student councellor.

The homeroom teacher: an immediate councelor of the student, informs his or her homeroom group about upper secondary matters, gives permission to under three-day-absences, follows the progress of groupmembers' studies, contacts home if needed and supports and encourages the group.

The student councellor (Teija Rosenqvist p. 044 778 6006) guides the student in the upper secondary choices, matriculation exam subjects and postgraduate studies, keeps student counceling lections, organizes visits to schools, co-operates with course teachers and homeroom teachers, takes part in the student welfare group's actions and is in charge of the Wilma-accounts. You can also schedule an appointment for testing your reading and writing abilities to the Salo's common special education teacher Jari Vuorio.

The principal (Ari Leino p. 044 778 6001) is in charge of the student welfare, gives permission to over three-day-absences, takes reponsibility for the matriculation exams, grants liberation of studies and approves studies completed elsewhere.

The course secretary (Soile Verhola 044 778 4031) is in charge of study grants from Kela, school trip grants, guardians' Wilma-accounts, student information forms (changes during school year e. g. phone number and address are reported to the course secretary).

School Healthcare

The school nurse (Kristiina Laukkanen p. 044 7723171 email:
The school nurse is available at the upper secondary on Mondays and in Armfelt school on other times. You can contact the nurse with anything considering your health and welfare. Every student goes to a physical examination during his or her studies, the girls during the fall of the second year and the boys during the spring of the second year (draftees' physical examination). If necessary you can schedule an appointment to the school doctor, psychologist or psychiatric nurse through Kristiina.

The school psychologist (Ina Seppälä).
You will get support and guidance with things related to school or if you experience for example uneasyness, nervousness or if you feel depressed. You can contact the school psychologist and schedule an appointment.

The psychiatric nurse (Anu-Minna Mäki)

The upper secondary curator (Elina Salonius p. 044 7783029, email: )
The school curator is our upper secondary's social worker, whose goal is to support youngs' studying, increase social welfare and positive overall development. The curator's most fundamental methods are conversation, co-operation with many different people and organising different support actions. Co-operation with the student usually begins with some problem situation related to the studies. For example a lot of absences, unwillingness to go to school, problems with concentration and conficts with others. Concentration can also be disturbed by different kinds of fears and anxiety, or matters realted to home and/or freetime. You can schedule an appointment with the curator via phone. A wish for an appointment can also be made to the a teacher, the student councellor or the school nurse.

Link-coordinator (Kirsi Rosten p. 044 7355131, email:
The Link-operation is meant for 12- to 18-year-old teens from Varsinais-Suomi and their parents. The Link tries to support the relationship of the parent and the child, parenthood and young's own growth and welfare. You can contact if you are puzzled with e. g. conficts at home, friendships, freetime, studying or the time to go home.