~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~

Day 2, Tuesady, 25/04/2017

Ooh, no, it's 6 o'clock again. I really don't like to get up so early, but I must do it! ;) So I'm going to dress up and eat breakfast.
It looks perfect and called Rome Salad - the ingridients are salat, some tomatoes and sweetcorn, radishes and fresh cucumber. Nice start of the day!
I'm going to the school. Something curious is it, i don't want to sleep anymore. I have more energy than yesterday at this time.
21.06 I'm going to finish my work and read something interesting - I had a lot of freetime today, thanks to time management. I think life is calmer than with this. And, as we know, it's good for our health.
Okay, it's over! Monday was hard, but now it's quite easy. Maybe I'll like this lifestyle?

And You? Do you enjoy it?
What's your progress in Challenge Week? ;)

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