Bird nests in our school

Nests for swallows

Taking action

When the brainstorming activities finished, we decided to take action. 
We realised that even if  our school has an eco-friendly attitude and a lot of activities have been adopted by the whole school community during the last years-recycling paper is just one of them,we have managed to reduce the use of paper 15%- there's a lot more to be done. We, as teachers, need to help our pupils develop a more friendly attitude towards the environment that surrounds us. 
We hope that their ideal school in the maquettes and drawings will become true very soon!

 Let's see some of the actions of our school.

Various Environmental programmes are implemented in our school throughout the year, planting expeditions  in the nearby environmental park, growing organic herbs and vegetables, birdwatching, cleaning the park, interaction programmes in the Recycling Centre of our town (we had visited it together during the meeting in Athens) and a lot more.

Early in  March this year,  the pupils of the 4th grade attended an educational workshop about how to make nests of clay for the swallows which come to Greece every spring, when the weather gets warmer.The workshop took place in the nearby environmental park where we were very lucky to see the first swallows flying over our heads. The swallows signal the coming of spring and they are equally loved by both children and adults. During the seminar the pupils learned about the hardships which these beautiful birds come through,  during their long journey from Africa to Greece. 
These facts made the kids very sensitive and they decided to put some  nests in the balconies of the school and take the rest home to be placed in their own balconies.
Now we are all looking forward to hosting them!
Swallows remember! Every spring they return to their old nests to lay their eggs. We hope our clay nests to become a real home for them.

Welcome spring!  Welcome swallows!

Χελιδονίσματα "helidonismata"
The custom of the Swallow and  the Spring Carols

In the past, every 1st March the children made a wooden swallow adorned with flowers and they went from door to door to the whole village singing songs about the coming of the swallows. The housewives gave them various treats. This custom, having  its roots in ancient Greece, has survived all these centuries  but today it is only revived in school feasts and local festivals.
A group of our pupils presented this nice custom singing the song of the Swallow in our schooyard, holding the nests in their hands.

You can listen to this song here: käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä