A Survey about pupils' environmental attitude from the Greek school

 Dear friends

Following Carme's steps, I thought of sharing this questionnaire with you. I have already done it with the pupils of the 5th and the 6th grades of my school. The results were very encouraging as a 60% of them gathered 24-30 points  meaning that they are a good friend of the Earth after all!. The rest 40% gathered 17-23 points meaning that they take care of our planet but they can try harder. Luckily there was no pupil in the last  category. You will see what I mean when you read the whole survey which you can also find in the attachment below.

Good luck with your pupils!

A survey about pupils' environmental attitude

These are some of the questions included in the pupils' questionnaire.

 Read them carefully and answer them to find out if you love planet Earth.


 Let's find out together. Remember to be honest!


1. Do you turn off the light when you leave your bedroom?

a. Yes, always

b. Sometimes

c. No, I don't.

2. How do you usually go to school?

a. By car

b. On foot

c. By bus

3. What do you usually do with your rubbish from a picnic?

a. I leave it there

b. I put it in a rubbish bin

c. I take it home

4. Do you use both sides of a piece of paper when you write?

a. Sometimes

b. Never

c. I usually do

5. Do you ever use recycled paper?

a. What's that?

b. Usually

c. Sometimes

6. What do you usually do if there is rubbish on the beach?

a. I take it and put it in the litter bin

b. I leave it on the beach

c. I throw it in the sea

7. Do you buy plastic cups, knives or forks?

a. Yes, I do. I hate washing up

b. Sometimes

c. No, never

8. Do you watch environmental programmes on TV?

a. No, never

b. Very seldom

c. Yes, always

9. Do you leave the water running when you brush your teeth?

a. Yes, I do

b. Sometimes

c. No, never.

10. Do you take part in planting expeditions with your school or city?

a. Yes, sometimes.

b. No, never

c. Yes, I usually do it twice a year.


You can find the Answer Key in the attachement  below.


The 3rd Primary School of Agii Anargyri


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