End-of-School-year- Event

Welcoming summer with eco-friendly activities

During the end-of-school-year event, we presented some of the environmenatlly friendly activities our pupils had been involved in with their teachers, throughout the whole year.
Mr. Nick Green and Miss Vallia Ecologos ( the names of our reporters fit to the theme of our event)  "covered " our school's eco-story: short theme plays, songs and traditionlal  dances about the environment, our herbs and flowers exhibition.
The older pupils made some old toys of recyclable material, with which children used to play in the past. They also presented their maquetes with their proposals for a friendlier transportation  in the big cities. Animated stories and videos from our Erasmus activities were presented to parents  who were also  invited to paint their own eco-bags and were encouraged to use them for their daily needs.  We hope that the message of our school event will find a lot of new followers.

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