Brainstorming activities

What is a green school? Is our school green?

Common investigation

"Is our school friendly to the environment?"

Before we started working on the eco-friendly activities we thought that it could be a good idea to have our pupils think and if our school is green and what must be done to make it ...more green.
What habits should we all adopt, teachers and pupils, to make our school eco-friendly?
We asked them to write their messages or draw their pictures on posters in the schoolyard or inside the classrooms.
Their messages portray the school of  their dreams.Let's read some of them..

In my green school  there is a garden on the roof. 
In my green school there are 4 different recycling bins for glass, paper, aluminium and plastic.
My school is always clean because we are always collecting the rubbish in the playground and the little grove.

In  my  green school, there will be more trees and more flowers. They will keep pollution away.
We will save  rain water  in water tanks  to water the flowers. We must save water. There's lack of water in many areas of the world.
I want a school friendly to bees and birds.

My green school has got 2 solar trees in the schoolyard instead of the PPC pillar and solar panels on the roof to save energy.

I want a sand spot in the schoolyard to play and one windturbine too!

A Good Giant will keep our school safe from the black and dirty clouds of pollution and in our yard there will always be spring .  Stamatis and Antonia, 8yrs old. 
The pupils of this class read the story of the Selfish Giant in the Language book and they invented their own good giant to keep their school safe. Look at their lovely poster!

Let's take a look at more drawings and messages now. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä