A project by Johanna Sahlström and Aleksi Santanen: A letter to the Queen of England

Letter to the Queen of England


Dear Madam,


Greetings from Finland. How is your life going? We hope you're doing well. We are writing this letter to you to ask your opinion on some important matters. We want to know why England is a nice place to live. What is your favorite thing about England? Our favorite things about England are the landscapes, beautiful nature and great architecture.

How is it like to live in a palace? Buckingham Palace is very beautiful and seems like a great place to live. Also we would like to know how it feels like to be the Queen of England? Is it very stressful or is it enjoyable?

How does being also the Queen of Canada affect your work? Do you have to visit there often? What do you usually do in Canada?

We are worried about polar bears. What do you think should be done about global warming? This is a very important subject to us and we think that it is important to live sustainably and respect nature and animals.

We would like to know if you have some charities you always donate to or work with? If so, what were the main reasons for choosing exactly those ones?

Is there something you could do to make England the most environmentally friendly country in the world?

We think England seems like a good place to study in and perhaps even live in. Are foreign students and especially Finnish students a good thing? What about immigration in general?

There are many things we would like to change about the world, one of them being inequality. Inequality is a really discussed topic these days and that's amazing because it's very important to discuss these matters. We have understood that England has quite a lot of poor people and a big difference in wages. How are you fixing this problem or is it something that needs to be fixed in your opinion?

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We wish you all the best and take care.

Best regards,

Aleksi and Johanna from Finland

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