4) Vesilinna tower

4. Harju tower

How high is the tower without the antenna?

Roskapostituksen esto
Valitse mikä tahansa numero, joka on suurempi kuin 2.

4. Vesilinna tower

Listen the soundscape which is very familiar to all people living in the center of Jyväskylä.

The song is an essential part of the soundscape in Jyväskylä.
Laulu synnyinseudulle (“A Song for the Native Place”) by Aulis Raitala is played from the tower every summer evening at 8 pm, and Hiljaa, hiljaa joulun kellot kajahtaa(“Christmas Bells”) by Armas Maasalo is played from the first Sunday of Advent until Epiphany at 6 pm.

(Source: Jyväskylä Region Tourist Information, http://visitjyvaskyla.fi/en/see-experience/the-centre-of-jyvaskyla/harju-vesilinna 3.10.2017.)