11.1 Rainforest

Tropical rainforests can be found in areas near the equator in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. These tropical rainforests experience an endless summer. The monthly average temperature varies only a little throughout the year, remaining mostly between 25–27 degrees Celsius. 

Areas near the equator receive a lot of solar radiation. Tropical rainforest depend on this solar radiation, as it guarantees warm temperatures throughout the year. As the name of the vegetation zone suggests, tropical rainforests also experience a large amount of rainfall throughout the year.

The vegetation of a tropical rainforest rises in thick layers. The trees often grow tens of meters tall as they compete for sunlight. The plant life of the tropical rainforests is extraordinarily diverse. Over 50 percent of the world's known species of flora and fauna live in the tropical rainforests.

New, previously unknown species of organisms are found every year in tropical rainforests. Likewise, species that were unknown to science also become extinct every year. 

Rainforests are characterized by a rich variety of flora and fauna, as well as high amounts of rainfall. The picture shows a gorilla in an African rainforest.

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