Quiz: chapters 10-15


You can revise what you have learned during the previous 5 chapters by completing the exercises below. After you have saved your answers, you can use the final self-evaluation form on the bottom of this page to think about your strengths, weaknesses, and development.

You can also complete the test multiple times during the course to hone your skills.

Chapters 10-15: Quiz

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Connect the terms with their corresponding explanations.

The terms are presented in a chronological order - the number before an explanation refers to the chapter where the term is introduced.

Remember to use Capital Initial Letters when necessary (e.g. the names of countries, mountain ranges and planets). Otherwise, use lowercase letters, so that the module can recognize your answers correctly.

Choose the terms from the following list.
biodiversity; carbon dioxide; climate change; clay; coniferous forest; convection rain; frigid; glacialized rock; hurricane; ice age; Mediterranean vegetation; prairie; orographic rain; rainforest; savanna; subtropical; temperate; temperate grassland; tornado; tropical; typhoon

10. The geographic zone where summers are hot and winters are temperate. For example, near the Mediterranean.
10. The geographic zone where four distinct seasons are experienced during the year.
10. The geographic zone located near the planet's equator.
10. The geographic zone where winters are long and freezing.

11. The vegetation zone found on the shores of the Arctic Ocean.
11. The vegetation zone found in the humid regions of the tropical zone
11. The vegetation zone where no trees grow. For example in the central United States.
11. The vegetation zone home to large mammals such as elephants and lions.
11. The vegetation zone found for example in Greece and Italy.
11. The vegetation zone dominated by spruce and pine trees.

12. A tropical storm that occurs in America.
12. A tropical storm that occurs in East Asia.
12. A small but strong storm that forms a cone-like cloud.
12. A rain type that occurs when the Sun warms up the air during a hot summer's day.
12. A rain type that occurs when a cloud collides with a mountain range.

13. A human-caused phenomenon that results in an accelerated greenhouse effect.
13. A greenhouse gas that is produced e.g. when using fossil fuels.

15. The variety of species of living organisms on planet Earth.

Maximum: 21 points.

If you got over 16 points, you have a good knowledge of the terms introduced in the previous 9 chapters.
If you got under 10 points, could you read through the chapters again before attempting this quiz a second time?

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Self-evaluation at the end of the course

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Skill goals:

Geographic knowledge and understanding:
S1 Understanding how maps represent planet Earth.
S2 Examining the phenomena of natural geography (e.g. natural landscapes).
S3 Examining the phenomena of human geography (e,g. cultures, livelihoods, people).
S4 Considering the relationship between human societies and their environment (e.g. understanding why natural resources should be used sustainably).

Geographic skills:
S5 Developing geographic ways of thinking and posing questions.
S6 Developing an understanding of space, symbols, and scale.
S7 Developing geomedia skills.
S8 Developing geographic skills.
S9 Developing observational skills
S10 Developing interactive skills.
S11 Developing a sense of respect for nature, natural phenomena, and natural diversity.

Attitudes and values
S11 Developing a sense of respect for nature, natural phenomena, and natural diversity.
S12 Developing into an environmentally conscious, active, and responsible citizen.
S13 Developing a sense of respect for one's regional and global identity.

S1 Understanding how maps represent planet Earth.1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
S1 I can recognize the continents and other significant natural structures (such as oceans and mountain ranges) on the map.
S1 I can use at least one internet-based map application or website.
S1 I know what coordinates signify (e.g. 70°N 28° E).

S2 Examining geographical phenomena (e.g. natural landscapes)1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I can explain what days, months, seasons, and years are.
I can explain why earthquakes occur.
I can explain how mountain ranges are formed.
I know how flowing water and moving ice wear down the Earth's surface.
I know where to find reliable information on earthquakes and volcanic activity.

S3 Examining the phenomena of human geography (e.g. cultures, livelihoods, people)1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I know what the continents of planet Earth are, and am able to describe their cultures, livelihoods, and people.

S4 Considering the relationship between human societies and their environment (e.g. understanding why natural resources should be used sustainably)1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I know how humans can prepare for earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and volcanic activity.
I can describe how wind and water erosion influence the lives of ordinary people.

S5 Developing geographical ways of thinking and posing questions1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I can describe the kinds of things geographers study.
I can explain how a mountain range is formed, using geographical terms.
I can examine why large cities have formed near volcanoes.

S6 Developing an understanding of space, symbols, and scale.1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I can draw a map that includes directions and scale.
I can interpret different kinds of maps.

S7. Developing geomedia skills. / S8 Developing geographic skills. / S9 Developing observational skills1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I have learned how to interpret different information sources (maps, diagrams, and charts).
I have learned how to examine geographical phenomena both alone and in groups.
I can navigate my home region by using an internet or GPS-based service.
I have become better at examining cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena.
I can describe an area by using the terminology of natural geography (e.g. mountain ranges, tectonic plates) and human geography (e.g. livelihoods, culture).
I can create a concise summary from a large amount of data.

S10 Developing interactive skills.1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I can present and explain my own opinion.
I can examine geographical phenomena from the points of view of different people.

S11 Developing a sense of respect for nature, natural phenomena, and natural diversity. / S12 Developing into an environmentally conscious, active, and responsible citizen.1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I can describe the natural diversity of a certain region.
I can describe how my home region could be developed in sustainable ways.
I can navigate my home region safely.

Remember to save your answers!

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