Song "Friends for Our Planet!"
Friends for Our Planet! - Song
Tässä romanialaisten tekemä laulu projektillemme. Iso kiitos Romanian musiikkitiimille!!!
Music by Mihaela IANCU and Florian BÂRSAN Lyrics by Andrei STANCIU,
Sung by Ana FILIMON and Marius Cristi POPA
Musical arrangements and recording by Marius Cristi POPA
Friends for Our Planet! Song and video
Laulun sanat (luonnos, pitkä versio)
Friends for our Planet (The longer version)
1. How long is it left to save Earth from disaster 2. and will our attitudes change once we get the answer? 3. The icebergs (icecaps) are melting so ‘Titanics’ can sail 4. From luxury liners we see the last polar bears
5. Our ecosystems are facing a tacit extinction 6. Ignored by our selfish materialistic addictions 7. Everyday luxuries that we take for granted 8. will sooner or later be reprimanded, 9. Rising sea levels already flood our cities 10. Do you still believe in conspiracy theories?
Chorus 1
11. Friends for our planet we must learn to be 12. This quest goes beyond simply planting a tree 13. It is a learning journey but also a plea 14. To better this world for both you and me
Middle section
15. Don’t mistake the glitter for additional litter 16. Nor listen to propaganda from deniers on Twitter 17. To save our planet we need education 18. That is the challenge of our generation 19. Campaigning together we can unite forces (voices) 20. And demand from our leaders sustainable (green/renewable) energy sources!
21. Our judgement must call for responsible choices, 22. stop bending your ear to ignorant voices
23. Take a bike for a ride or a leisurely stroll, 24. stop driving your car when is not needed for 25. Turn off the faucet when you’re scrubbing the dishes, 26. you’re saving the water for thousands of fishes 27. Recycle the papers and plastics you use, 28. and plant every spring at least one little spruce
29. The air that we breathe will get increasingly harming, 30. unless we support ecological farming 31. Local grown produce can help treat pollution, 32. it’s the answer to wasteful, modern food distribution 33. Grow flowering plants to help feed the bees, 34. we need them around to pollinate trees 35. Wildlife is key in aiding our fight, 36. against our planet’s industrial blight
Chorus 2 (ending)
37. Friends for our planet we’re striving to be 38. Our actions and conduct are the best guarantee 39. That from the bears in the woods to the whales in the sea 40. We can all share this planet without enmity
against nature’s toxic industrial blight