Lecture 4 Searching for the 'best solution'

Lecture 4 Searching for the 'best solution'

This lecture concentrates on finding the ‘best solution’ in leadership practices as seen by some of the key writers in recent years. The lecture introduces some classical and neo-classical organizational theories.

Before the lecture either print or save on your computer the related power point slides.

Assignment before the lecture: None.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS210_S2_L4.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Assignment after all four lectures:

    1. Reflective report. Write your learning experiences into your personal reflective report.
    2. Submit your reflective report for session 2 here.

After completing the assignment you can proceed to Session 3 lecture 1.

Supplemtary material:

Below you can find supplementary reading material.

    1. Cyert R. M. & March J.G. 1963 A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
    2. Hartman S. W. Management Theory http://iris.nyit.edu/~shartman/mba0120/chapter2.htm
    3. History of leadership (educational leadership): http://www.sedl.org/change/leadership/history.html
    4. A short introduction to A Behavioral Theory of the Firm: Argote L., Greve H. R. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm — 40 Years and Counting: Introduction and Impact http://orgsci.journal.informs.org/cgi/reprint/18/3/337

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