ELSS210 Roots and Future of Leadership in Education

ELSS210 Roots and Future of Leadership in Education

This course is an introductory course to the Master of Educational Management and Leadership programme. The course builds a bridge from the historical roots of leadership and management to the future orientation of educational leadership.

The course consists of eight different learning sessions. One session usually covers a focused topic of the course’s main theme as determined by the lecturer.

In addition to watching the lectures you are expected to do several assignments during the course as listed below.

  1. Readings. The two books covered in the course are listed in the course materials. In some lectures you will be given a special focus area in the books which you should have covered before watching the lecture. Also additional readings are available.
  2. Reflective report from each session. The reports are submitted after each session.
  3. Workbook. In this course the workbook is a tool for your own leadership development. The focus in on yourself as a leader in different situations. In the course it is divided in 7 chapters, each with a special focus.
  4. Discussions / blog writings with an obligation to comment other students’ writings.
  5. Final assignment for the course.

Details of the assignments are described in the appropriate sessions.

Before starting, please check the expected learning outcomes from the course overview below.

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