Lecture 4 Factors of effectiveness

Lecture 4 Factors of effectiveness

In Lecture four Prof Alava introduces ten factors found in a meta study of ten school effectiveness researches. These effectiveness-enhancing factors are high expectations, educational leadership, staff cohesion, curriculum quality, school climate (atmosphere), school climate (effectiveness orientation, relations), evaluative potential, parental involvement, classroom climate, and effective learning time.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: None.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture HERE.

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: Please, answer the question: Are there factors that are more important than others (e.g. in the context you know well)? Try to explain why they are more important. Write this into your Reflective report.