
First & second order change

Read the three articles mentioned below (Argyris, Kurtyka & Wexford Institute). Using the articles and materials from the lectures about first & second order change, define and briefly discuss a case in your organization or elsewhere. Think especially about the changes conducted – were they single or double loop changes? Did the changes attempted also succeed? Write your short commentary.
Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning. INFED (the informal education homepage).
This material, provided by INFED, gives a brief overview of the major developer of the single-double loop framework, Chris Argyris, and on the notion itself.

Kurtyka: Implementing Business Intelligence Systems: An Organizational Learning Approach.
This article gives a good summation on learning, knowledge, and change.

Wexford institute: Systemic change and school improvement
This paper is a good review on systemic and second-order change.

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