
Miksi näillä jäljillä?

O’Byrne, B. & Murrell, S. 2014. Evaluating multimodal literacies in student blogs. British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (5), 926–940.

Dillenbourg P. 1999. What do yuo mean by collaborative learning? Teoksessa P. Dillenbourg (toim.) Collaborative-learning: Cognitive and Computational Approaches. Oxford: Elsevier, 1–19.

Fessakis, G., Tatsis, K. & Dimitracopoulou, A. 2008. Supporting “Learning by Design” activities using group blogs. Journal of educational Technology & Society 11 (4), 199–212.

Goldman, R.H., Cohen, A.P. & Sheahan. F. 2008. Using seminar blogs to enhance student participation and learning in public health school classes. American Journal of Public Health 98 (9), 1658-1663.

Halic, O., Lee, D., Paulus, T. & Spence, M. 2010. To blog or not to blog: Student perceptions of blog effectiveness for learning in a college-level course. Internet and Higher Education 13, 206–213.

Kallionpää, O. 2014. Mitä on uusi kirjoittaminen? Uusien mediakirjoitustaitojen merkitys. Media & viestintä 37 (4), 60–78.

Leslie, P. & Murphy, E. 2008. Post-Secondary students’ purposes for blogging. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 9 (3), 1–17.

Paulus, T., Payne, R. & Jahns, L. 2009. “Am I making sense here?”: What blogging reveals about undergraduate student understanding. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 8 (1), www.ncolr.org/jiol

Sharma, P. & Xie, Y. 2008. Student experiences of using weblogs: An exploratory study. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 12 (3–4), 137−156.

Sullivan, M. & Longnecker. N. 2014. Class blogs as a teaching tool to promote writing and student interaction. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 30 (4), 390–401.

Wang, Y-S., Lin, H-H. & Liao, Y-W. 2012. Investigating the individual difference antecedents of perceived enjoyment in students’ use of blogging. British Journal of Educational Technology 43 (1), 139–152.

Millaisia jälkiä blogiin jää?

Jääskelä, P. 2015. Toimijuuden kautta uudistuvaan asiantuntijuuteen. Tämän julkaisun toinen sivusto.

Kallionpää, O. 2014. Mitä on uusi kirjoittaminen? Uusien mediakirjoitustaitojen merkitys. Media & viestintä 37 (4), 60–78.

Xie, Y., Ke, F. & Sharma,P. 2010. The effects of peer-interaction styles in team blogs on students´ cognitive thinking and blog participation. Journal of educational computing research 42 (4), 459-479.

Mihin jäljet johtivat?

O’Byrne, B. & Murrell, S. 2014. Evaluating multimodal literacies in student blogs. British Journal of Educational Technology 45 (5), 926–940.

Sullivan, M. & Longnecker. N. 2014. Class blogs as a teaching tool to promote writing and student interaction. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 30 (4). 390–401.

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