Comenius Project 2008-2010

Roots and Wings - project summary

The general aim of the project ROOTS AND WINGS is to encourage pupils, aged 14-18, to focus on their regions to become aware of their roots, which connect us to the past, and which provide us with wings to carry us into Europe.

The regional identity is an essential element of a growing and stable Europe. Pupils should learn to accept and to appreciate differences to make a step towards collaboration, peace keeping and competition without aggression.

We will focus on regional, national and European activities, which materialize this idea and which can be integrated into the curricula of various subjects. Extra attention will be paid to the active participation of the pupils and the response/feedback/reaction/ going-on - activity after each assignment.

The project website, our end product, will reflect the progression of the project and give an impression on regional variety.

Next to the theme related activities, the project includes teachers' as well as students' mobility, and it has an impact on the local community due to the disseminations of the project results.

Some schools provide vocational, others general education. This difference in student population is considered an advantage which helps to overcome social barriers. Mixed students' groups participate in planning and evaluation during project meetings.

This project is the result of intense cooperation between 9 partners - amongst whom 3 completely new to European projects, and representing all corners of Europe and small linguistic groups - realized long before and during a preparatory visit.
(Source: The project application, February 2008)


This project includes seven different schools in seven different countries:

Gymnasium Am Turmhof, Mechernich, Germany

VISO, Roeselare, Belgium

Bleketskolan, Bleket, Sweden

Colegio Santa Cecilia, Cáceres, Spain

Gimnazjum nr 141, Warszawa, Poland

Istituto d´Istruzione Secondaria Superiore "F. Fedele", Agira, Italy käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä