Zuzas Bericht:


Last day our an amazing trip we were spending time in Pergamon Muzeum. We watched ancient monuments for example vases, sculptures or columns. During our touring some part of our group get a little bit tired but I have decided to go with my finnish group to saw the other rooms. With Arja and Joanna we went to the" Telephossaal". We talked about those ornaments wich are situated there. I found that Arja and Joanna don't like history. Just like me.

Then we just went to the" Romische Baukunst". There were enormous rome walls with huge columns. After this place, we visited "Vorderasitisches Museum". We didn't have so much time to saw everything really precisly but we found some time to quickly ran throw the "Museum fur Islamische Kunst". It was museum which Arja and Joanna like the most, I think. We took some pictures for example in "vorderasitischces Museum" next to the "Ischtar-Tor".

Whole trip was finished by took a picture of our international group :)

- Pergamonmuseum: http://www.berlin.de/museum/3108456-2926344-pergamonmuseum.html