Lecture 3 Criteria for a good vision

Lecture 3 Criteria for a good vision

This lecture explains the criteria of a good vision and vision process for the organization.
Before the lecture either print or save on your computer the related power point slides.

Assignment before the lecture: None.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS210_S7_L3.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Assignments after the lecture:

    1. Reflective report. Write your learning experiences into your personal reflective report. The reflective report for session 7 will be submitted after lecture 6.
    2. Workbook, Chapter 6: Organizations vision statement. Analyse the vision statement of your own organization or an organization you know well based on the criteria presented in the lecture. What are the strong points? What about pitfalls?

Submit the Chapter 6 of your workbook here.

After completing the assignments you can proceed to lecture 4.