Lecture 5 Leadership in the symbolic frame

Lecture 5 explores the birth of the quality movement (TQM) with the Japanese case. Researchers studied the quality control movement in Japan and found that organizational culture is decisive. The key findings are empowering the employees, flattening the hierarchy, holding accountability to customers, building data-based information, as well as granting autonomy to teams. In this lecture we learn that from the cultural frame, there are many strategies the leaders can apply to promote the organizational learning and productivity.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture S4_L5.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal reflective report. Submit the reflective report for lectures 1 to 5

Assignment after the lecture:

  1. Read chapters 13 and 14 from the course book B & D.
  2. Read articles 43 and 44 from the course book S & O & J.
  3. Do the __________________________.webarchive​ to find about what kind of leadership orientation you have!