Course assignment
Course Assignment
After you have gone through all the sessions, done the assignments and received the feedback for the assignments from the teacher do the course assignment.
- Write an essay with the title My pedagogic leadership
- Use the MBA template in your essay
- Include in your essay the following perspectives
- use both theory and practice
- when using theory show the sources
- Determine your role in a concrete way
- policy maker/superintendent/principal/teacher etc.
- Define your own national context briefly containing in the definition the
- goals, challenges, opportunities and obstacles of the education system
- Describe your own pedagogic leadership
- Your own definition of pedagogical leadership
- include shared and teacher leadership in your definition
- Evaluation of its significance
- Relationship with learning and curriculum
- Long and short term goals
- Action plan to achieve the goals
- The essay should have 4-5 text pages.
- The essay will be assessed (0-5) and forms the basis for your course grade.