
C04/B1. Right or wrong?

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Mark the correct statements.

Are the following statements correct or incorrect?a) The Ice Ace and post-glacial rebound are connected to each other.
b) Post-glacial rebound is fastest near the Bothnian Bay.
c) Post-glacial rebound continues to occur everywhere in Northern Europe.
d) Post-glacial rebound presents challenges for humans.
e) The town of Ulvila near Pori used to be located on the shore.
f) The Baltic ringed seal used to be a freshwater species.
g) Sea levels rise globally, but this phenomenon is slow in Finland due to post-glacial rebound.

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C04/B2. Post-glacial rebound

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a) How fast is post-glacial rebound in your home region?

b) How much will post-glacial rebound rise the ground level in your home region during the next 100 years, if the rate of rebound stays the same?

c) What are the benefits of post-glacial rebound?

d) What kinds of things have caused post-glacial rebound?

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