Quiz: chapters 2-13


You can revise what you have learned during the previous 12 chapters by completing the exercises below. After you have saved your answers, you can use the self-evaluation form on the bottom of this page to think about your strengths, weaknesses, and development.

You can also complete the test multiple times during the course to hone your skills.

Chapters 2-13: Intermediate quiz

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Connect the terms with their corresponding explanations. The terms are presented in a chronological order - the number before an explanation refers to the chapter where the term is introduced.

Choose the terms from the following list:
basalt; brackish water; cranberry; cyclone; ecosystem services; equator; erratic boulder; esker; final felling; Finnish Lakeland; gneiss; Gotland; granite; groundwater; Ice Age; intermediate climate; kettle; Lapland; national park; Maanselkä; old-growth forest; Ostrobothnia; peat; pine; pine swamp; polar night; post-glacial rebound; raised bog; sandstone; spruce; till; the Gulf of Bothnia; topographic map

2. The volcanic rock type that forms the majority of Icelandic bedrock.
2. The most common metamorphic rock type in Finland.
2. The most common rock type in Finland.
2. A sedimentary rock type that has formed from sand.

3. A time period during which ice covered large areas of the Earth.
3. A large rock that is transported as a result of glacial movement.
3. A formation that has developed near the mouth of a glacial river.
3. A hole in the ground that has been created by melting ice.

4. The most common Finnish mineral soil type.
4. A soil type that is formed when dead plant matter is decomposed.
4. A process that causes land to rise after the Ice Age.

5. An old forest that has been untouched by humans for centuries.
5. A nature conservation area where it is possible for people to hike.

6. A tree species common to wet taiga forests.
6. A tree species common to dry taiga forests.
6. A process that takes place when a commercial forest is approximately 100 years old.
6. All the benefits provided by a forest to humans and other living organisms.

7. A bog type where pines grow.
7. A bog type where the center of the bog is higher than the edges of the bog.
7. A valuable red berry found in bogs.

8. The Finnish climate type. [[_:v=intermediate climate:=1:t=]]
8. The time of the year when the northernmost regions of Finland receive almost no sunlight.

9. A moving region of low pressure that brings moisture and warm air to Finland.

10. The longitude of 0.
10. A map that describes the properties of the environment.

11. The Finnish scenic region that includes e.g. Jyväskylä, Imatra and Kuopio.
11. The Finnish scenic region that includes e.g. Seinäjoki and Oulu.
11. The Finnish scenic region where fells can be found.

12. A gulf that separates Finland and Sweden.
12. The largest Swedish island in the Baltic Sea.
12. The water type of the Baltic Sea.

13. The watershed that divides Finnish water systems between those that flow into the Gulf of Finland and those that flow into the Gulf of Bothnia.
13. The water type that is found under the ground.

Maximum: 33 points.

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Self-evaluation (Chapters 2-13)

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Answer the questions in a way that best describes you.

Geographic knowledge and skills1 = I do not know this, 3 = I know this quite well, 5 = I know this well.
I can describe how the Finnish bedrock has formed.
I know how eskers have formed.
I know the main types of Finnish forests and bogs.
I can explain what factors contribute to the Finnish climate.
I can draw a map of Finland and name some of its most important cities.
I know what the Baltic Sea is like and why it is unique.
I know what kinds of things threaten Finnish waters.

Wide-ranging skills1 = no, 3 = I cannot say, 5 = yes.
I have learned to better understand cause-and-effect relationships during the course. (L1)
I have learned new ways to search for information during the course. (L4, L5)
I have learned to study different materials (maps, diagrams, charts) during the course. (L5)

Remember to save your answers!

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