22. Norway

22.1 Norwegian geography

The Kingdom of Norway is located on the Scandinavian peninsula. It shares its borders with Sweden, Finland and Russia. Norway is one of the Nordic countries, alongside Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark. 

The Skagerrak strait separates Norway and Denmark, whereas the North Sea separates it from the British Isles. The Norwegian shores are bordered by the Norwegian Sea in the west and the Barents Sea in the north.

The Scandinavian Mountains or the Scandes are a young orographic mountain range that runs through the Scandinavian peninsula. The original Scandes were formed over 400 million years ago but have since been mostly worn down. However, the modern Scandes began to form on the same location approximately 60 million years ago, during the same time as the Central European Alps were created. 

The Norwegian shore regions are very fragmented and hard to traverse, as the sea penetrates the fjords for long distances and the mountains are often high and steep. The fjords are a product of the last Ice Age. The longest Norwegian fjord is the Sogne.

22.2 Norwegian climate

The Norwegian climate is a product of many different factors. It is exceptionally temperate when compared to the climates of other places located on similarly northern latitudes in various parts of the world. The Norwegian shore is warmed up by the Gulf Stream, which brings temperate and humid air to the Scandinavian peninsula from the Atlantic Ocean. 

As Norway is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, the nation receives a lot of rainfall. Westerly and southwesterly winds often bring moving low pressure centers or cyclones from the Atlantic, which result in heavy rain on the western coasts of the nation. 

As air masses meet the slopes of the Scandes, the air's humidity is concentrated and rains down in the form of orographic rain

On the eastern side of the Scandes, the low-humidity air masses will grow warm, creating a temperate Föhn wind on the eastern slopes of the mountain range.

The warm effects of the Föhn wind can be felt even in Finland. As large parts of Norway consist of highland areas, the temperatures in these regions are significantly colder than near the Atlantic shore. 

22.3 The southern shore of Norway is densely populated

Most Norwegians inhabit the southern shores of the nation, with the capital city of Oslo being the most densely populated region.

The population of Oslo has grown well above 600 000 inhabitants, making it easily the largest Norwegian city. The Oslo metropolitan area is inhabited by over 1,2 million people. 

The city of Bergen on the western shore is home to approximately 250 000 people, whereas the ancient Viking city of Trondheim accommodates over 170 000 inhabitants. 

The total population of Norway is approximately 5,2 million. Approximately 80 % of the Norwegian population lives in urban areas. 

22.4 Norwegian economy

Norway is known for its large and efficient fishing industry. As a result of this, fishing and the fish refining industry are important sectors of the Norwegian economy. 

The coast of Norway is rich in pollock, trout and salmon. The Northern Atlantic Ocean is home to large populations of herring. Large fish farms can also be seen on the Norwegian coast. 

The huge oil drilling rigs found in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea are an significant part of the Norwegian economy. Most Norwegian oil is exported for use in other nations.

Most of Norway's own electricity and energy is produced with water power. This water power is harnessed from the rivers that flow down the slopes of the Scandes. Even some of this electricity is sold into other nations. Due to its cheap electricity production costs, Norway has become the most significant producer of aluminium in Europe.

Tourism is also important for the Norwegian economy. Tourists flock to Norway to experience the natural beauty of the fjords and the Scandinavian mountains.