14.5 Plants of the rainforest

The African rainforests are found near the equator. These tropical rainforests are in a state of eternal summer. The monthly average temperature varies only a little through amount the year, staying between 25–27 degrees Celsius. 

The vegetation of the tropical rainforests rises in thick layers. The trees often reach the height of tens of meters as they compete for sunlight. The plant life of the tropical rainforests is extraordinarily diverse. Over 50 percent of the world's known species of flora and fauna live in the tropical rainforests. Most of the animal life of the tropical rainforests is concentrated in treetops.

Many epiphytic plants, such as vine-like lianas and beautiful orchids, grow on the trunks of rainforest trees. The bottom of the rainforest rarely experiences sunlight, and as a result the vegetation there is quite scarce. 

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