13.7 The European Union

The European Union or the EU is a political and economic union of 27 nations. It has many charasteristics that suggest that it is like a nation in itself.

The official currency of the European Union is used by 19 of its member states. The euro was officially implemented in 2002. The European Union also has its own flag. It consists of 12 stars on a blue background, which symbolizes the unity, co-operation, and togetherness of the European nations.

You have most probably heard Ludwig van Beethoven's composition "Ode to Joy", but you might not have known that it is the official anthem of the European Union. It functions as a "national anthem" of the EU.

Listen to the anthem on the official EU website 

The member states of the European Union share a common legislation and government. However, each of its member states also has its own legislation and government. The capital city of the EU is the Belgian capital of Brussels, but other important govermental offices are situated elsewhere, for example in Luxembourg. The official day of the European Union is the 9th of May. It symbolizes the peace and unity between European nations. "United in Diversity" is the motto of the European Union.

The EU member states also have their own passports. Border controls are lax on the borders between member states, but stricter on the outer borders of the union.

The official currency of the EU is the euro.

  • Official currency: the euro
  • Flag : 12 yellow stars in a circle, on a blue background
  • Surface area: over 4 million square kilometers
  • Population: 450 million (if it was a nation, it would be the 3rd largest in terms of population)
  • Nations: 27
  • Anthem: Ode to Joy
  • Founded: 1993
  • Europe Day: 9th of May