
16/1. Right or wrong?

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Are the following statements correct or incorrect?

The Americas are a continent.
The Americas are two continents that form a unified landmass.
North America is a continent.

America covers up an area on the Western hemisphere from the Arctic Ocean to near the continent of Antarctica.
America is smaller than Europe.

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16/2. Statements about the United States

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Mark the correct statements.

The United States has both the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines.
The United States is bordered by Canada and Mexico.
The United States is bordered by Brazil and Mexico.

The capital of the United States is Washington D.C.
The capital of the United States is New York.
The United States flag has a maple leaf.

Los Angeles and San Francisco are on the Atlantic coast.
Los Angeles and San Francisco are on the Pacific coast.

Manhattan is in Los Angeles.
Manhattan is in New York.

Chicago is on the shores of a large lake.
Houston is on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.

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16.3 How large is Canada?

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a) Use an atlas or an internet service to find out the coordinates of the following Canadian cities.
1. Quebec 2. Edmonton 3. Vancouver 4. Halifax

b) Calculate the distances between these cities to get a clearer picture of how large Canada actually is.
1. Halifax - Dawson City
2. Vancouver - Edmonton
3. Iqaluit - Toronto

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16/4. Studying a satellite image

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Study the satellite image of the United States at night. Choose the right alternative.

a) There are more metropolises in the

b) There are no large cities in Florida.

c) There are fewer large cities in Canada than there are in the United States.

d) Large cities are located on the shores of the Great Lakes.

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16/5. Comparing American nations

Choose two nations from South or North America and compare them.

Key words: climate, population, agriculture, industry, nature, GDP.
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