
05/1. Migrant or refugee?

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Which of the following statements describe a voluntary migrant?

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05/2. Drawing diagrams

Create bar charts that compare the surface areas and populations of different European nations. You can either use a pen and graph paper or a computer application such as Microsoft Excel.

A) Surface area chart
- Find statistics that show the surface areas of European countries (i.e. from Wikipedia).
- Find the ten largest European countries.
- Create a bar chart that shows the ten largest countries by surface area.
- Display the names of the countries horizontally, and show their surface areas in the form of a vertical bar chart.

B) Population chart
- Find statistics that show the populations of European countries (i.e. from Wikipedia).
- Find the ten largest European countries by population.
- Create a bar chart that displays the ten largest European countries by population.
- Show the names of the countries horizontally, and display the populations of these countries in the form of a vertical bar chart.

Return your diagram as an image file in the submission folder below.
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05/3. Tell a story

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Tell a story about how your ancestors or family arrived in your current home region. Choose a suitable time scale for your story: the families of some people have only just moved to their current home region, whereas the families of others have lived there for centuries.

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