
  • Osaan toivottaa hyvää joulua: T1 T2 T3 T4 T T8 T9 T10 

  • Olen tutustunut eri kulttuureiden jouluperinteisiin: T1 T2 T3 
  • Laaja-alaisen osaamisen alueet: L1, L2, L3, L4, L6, L7

  • Can recognise everyday, familiar words/signs, provided they are delivered clearly and slowly in a clearly defined, familiar everyday context.
  • Can understand short, simple instructions for actions such as “Stop”, “Close the door”, etc., provided they are delivered slowly face-to-face, accompanied by pictures or manual gestures and repeated if necessary.
  • Can deduce the meaning of a word/sign from an accompanying picture or icon.
  • Can understand and use basic, formulaic expressions such as “Yes”, “No”, “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Thank you”, “No thank you”, “Sorry”.
  • Can recognise simple greetings.
  • Can post simple online greetings, using basic formulaic expressions and emoticons.

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