
Presentation Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Make a Power Point presentation on any topic related to nature or sustainable development - be it about an endangered species, deforestation, an organization or latest energy saving innovations, anything goes! 
- 3 to 5 slides
- pictures (make it visually pleasant), some text (but most must be spoken!)
- about 2 (max 3) minutes

- the following aspects will be evaluated (practise well beforehand):

1. The speaker had good eye contact with the audience.

2. The speaker's language was clear and easy to understand.

3. The presentation was well organized and easy to follow.

4. The presentation was well practised.

5. The content of the presentation was interesting.

6. There was enough information to give the audience a comprehensive idea of the topic.

Presentation will be given in the following groups + the teacher:

1. Meeri, Emma, Hilla, Vilma, Sara
2. Noora, Amalia, Lyydia, Alina, Vanessa
3. Kaapo, Jonne, Konsta, Aarni
4. Lumi, Heini, Teea, Johanna, Henna, Nea
5. Eeli, Viljami, Mitja, Elias, Topias
+ Luukas and Joonas on Friday, Oct. 27

Power Point

Turn in your presentation by 13.15 on Wednesday, 25th October!
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki
  • Palauta äänitallenne

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

Nature writing/ Task 4f

Do the task as described in 4f in your material and as your teacher instructed. Add at least one of the pictures you took at the place of your description. Show the text to your partner to get feedback. Do suggested changes and turn in the text (with the picture) here.
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki
  • Palauta äänitallenne

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.