Briefly in English
Christian values and high quality education
Kuopion kristillinen yhtenäiskoulu is a private school that provides high quality basic education based on Christian values. Päiväkoti Timantti provides daycare for children ages 1 to 5, as well as pre-primary education for 6-year-olds. The kindergarten is located in the same facilites with the school, so we offer your children the possibility to grow from a one-year-old to a ninth-grader under one, safe roof.
There are no tuition fees for the school's students. The kindergarten is the City of Kuopio's private day care provider – visit the city's web page for more information.
The school follows the national curriculum. Our school is interdenominational, not affiliated with any one denomination or Church. Christianity is a natural part of the school life and teaching.
We accept new students to all grades. It’s possible to enroll during the semester if there is vacancy.
To start the application process, contact the school or the kindergarten. We are happy to help!