Kulttuurienvälisen kohtaamisen materiaaleja 2022
Intercultural education course, spring 2022
The course "Key considerations in intercultural and international education" OJUA 2021 had a task in the spring 2022 semester. In light of the war in Ukraine, we watched the Lyfta learning environment materials about refugees' journey, and tried to relate to the refugees that were still children and were entering schools in their new environments.
The course members had experiences that helped us build understanding of what the children might be going through at school. There were current exchange students and many had done an exchange year or a shorter period as children.
The students' task was to create a "handbook" for sensitive welcome of a new student in the class.
The handbooks with activities and "dos" and "don'ts" are shared as pdf documents on this page!
Many thanks to students of OJUA2021!