
Lecture 1 Introduction

This lecture is an introduction to scientific research, a comparison of research paradigms and characteristics of educational research. It also introduces various types of research.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture HERE.

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: Try to choose between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Which do you consider the most interesting way to do your research? Try to explain the reason for your choice (less than 1 page). Please, return into reflective report.

Before continuing

Please, choose the Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in sessions 15 and 16 if you plan to use quantitative research methods in your research. Otherwise continue with session two.

If you chose sessions 15 and 16, please, return to session 2, lecture 2 having finished the sessions. After session 2, lecture 2 choose the topics which are related to writing the thesis and skip the parts which are about the qualitative method.

If you are writing only a theoretical thesis, please choose the session handling writing of thesis topics starting from session 2, lecture 2. Please skip method lectures.

Please note that if you are continuing to Master’s Degree program you must go through all the sessions even though you do not need them in your MBA/MEd thesis (as part of your research methods studies).

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